Thursday, July 31, 2014

Seniors - Dual Enrollment

If you are interested in Dual Enrollment at Jeff State - we have paperwork that needs to be filled out!  I have that available in the office or you can find it on Jeff State's website:

Remember - this year is is a little different.  They will be offering English 101 and Western Civilization in the Fall and Eng 102 and Western Civilization (Second Part) in the Spring.  You would need to be at Jeff State M-Th for 1st block all year.
***You only receive HIGH SCHOOL credit for English.  If you decide to not take the Western Civilization - they will allow that too.  Please talk to me if you would like to just take English!  (it is cheaper)  :)

To apply - you must have a 3.0 GPA (or higher) and scored at least a 20 on the English sub test of the ACT.  IF YOU DID NOT - that's ok - you need to take the COMPASS placement test.  They offer it every Thursday from 8:30-10:30 AM.

Please share this with others that might be interested!  Call the school before you come by to make sure I'm in the office or set up an appointment.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Scholarship Search Engines

Please make sure to sign up on the following search engines for scholarships!  This is a wonderful FREE service.  PLEASE make sure to not give out credit card or social security number to ANYONE.  If someone asks, please check with me first!  :)