Friday, January 4, 2013

Recycle Cards for St. Jude

Do you have any old Christmas cards laying around the house?  What about a random birthday or thank you card?  St. Jude will be glad to take those off your hands and put them to good use!
St. Jude will take any used cards, tear off the front and recycle it for new cards to sell, benefiting the hospital.  If you have any cards that you would like to donate, please bring them by the High School or Annex.  We will take the cards any time...and send them in for you!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year Bucketfillers!

Happy New Year!  We ended our 2012 with a great holiday program from the annex students and staff.  If you missed out on all the fun...singing, dancing and silly also missed filling a bucket!  This year we have incorporated a wonderful book, "Have You Filled a Bucket Today" by Carol McCloud into our daily annex routine.  The students first learned about the book during our library/counseling time and worked on a surprise program for their teachers.  At the program, each staff member received a bucket and learned about how to be a Bucketfiller.  
Basically it boils down to 3 things:  
1.  Be a Bucketfiller.  (kind to others, follows directions)
2.  Don't Dip. (Don't mistreat/bully others)
3.  Protect your bucket, use a lid. (Don't let others hurt your feelings.  Protect yourself!)

We then introduced this to everyone at the holiday program.  Each adult had the opportunity to fill out a slip of paper for their child or someone at the annex.  The notes will be separated tomorrow and put in the buckets for each classroom.  We have a bucket FULL of notes to pass out!  If you didn't get the chance to fill out a note, come by the office and pick one up!  We will have them available by the sign out binder.  Just give them to a staff member and we will get it to the correct person.  If you would like to read more about bucket fillers check out  Feel free to talk to us about it at any time.  The kids love it and enjoy sending little surprises to their teachers too!  We even had one staff member give each teacher a fresh tomato in their bucket...yum!

I have to fill Mrs. Gilliland and all of the annex teachers bucket...they have taken this idea and run with it...THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!  :)

Happy New Year!  I hope that it is your best yet!